Showcasing our Corporate Events expertise to contacts new and old
Our Corporate Events Manager, David Frost and Partnerships Manager, Sarah Shirley have been on the road recently, along with other members of our team doing what we like best – showcasing what we do to contacts old and new at two of the best corporate events exhibitions/conferences around.
Over the last 2 years we pivoted away from traditional face to face team building, conferences and other corporate events and invested heavily in our live streaming capability to offer virtual events of the highest quality. This investment stood us in good stead and helped us get though the challenges that Covid-19 presented to our sector.
However, as things have returned to nearly normal, it has been great to get out and about again as traditional events make a welcome come back. Our order book is filling up nicely, and not just with face-to-face events, because virtual and hybrid are here to stay of course. But nothing can beat real people interacting with each other.
The PA Show 2022, Excel London
We exhibited at the PA Show on 8th and 9th March 2022. The PA Show is the largest gathering of Executive Support Professionals in the UK, bringing together over 5,500 of the community into one space.
We practised what we always preach and put together a great exhibition stand that highlighted our core strengths in Conferences, (see how we use our expertise in production, management and live streaming) and Team Building as well Venue Finding.

Venues of Excellence – Edgbaston Park Hotel
We were delighted to support Venues of Excellence with the production for their annual conference at the Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre along with exhibiting at the event on 18th March. The team at the Hotel are good friends of ours and we are grateful for their recommendation that VoE use us.
Venues of Excellence is a membership organisation that represents specialist venues at the top end of the corporate events and meetings sector, delivering excellence in conferences, training and events. This was their first conference since January 2020. Entitled New Horizons, it was attended by 111 delegates, and Mandy Jennings the CEO of Venues of Excellence said:
“We have been looking forward to this conference for many months, to have the chance to reconnect with our members and partners face to face…. . We are excited by the new landscape for the hospitality and events industry and truly believe the future is bright.”
The VoE team also thanked us for our input:
“Thank you, Sarah and team Bright Vision Events. You were amazing and you certainly brought the fun factor to the exhibitors’ area.”

Look out for us at more forthcoming events and exhibitions and do get in touch if you are looking for a conference, team building event or any other type of corporate event, face-to-face or virtual.