Exceptional Live Events from The Event Management Specialists
Helping you find the right venue.
Working partnerships with ‘00s of venues. Free venue finding service.
Your team will love our Christmas team building events and activities as they celebrate the Festive Season.
Forget London, Rio, Sydney or Tokyo, our indoor Olympics are the REAL Olympics and everyone’s talking about them for their team building activity! In a room themed with Olympic flags and backdrops, each team (“country”) is assigned the task of winning as many events as possible in a variety of “disciplines”.
Games can be left “free-flow” for guests to participate in as they wish, or run in a structured format. Indoor Olympics is a great event for team working and interaction as each team will meet all the others in competition throughout the event.
A range of challenges can be chosen for your Indoor Olympics Team Building Activity. Your choice depends on the space available as well as your budget.
Our Compere controls proceedings, which culminate in a Grand Final played between the top two teams on the ever popular table football table.
The Indoor Olympic Indoor Team Building activity is ideal for groups from as few as 12 right up to 120 people, and can be run as an afternoon activity or after dinner to suit client requirements.
We have lots of other indoor team building events to chose from too. Do have a look at building a Mexican Railway, or taking to the air with our Paper Plane making event.
If you are considering this activity for your company, and think that it could fulfil your requirements, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
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