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A Hard Day’s Knight

The activities below offer a great array providing ‘something for everyone’ all afternoon, as well as HUGE amounts of laughter. Run by a combination of professional re-enactors and instructors, “A Hard Day’s Knight” is literally a unique activity day where teams try to earn more “groats” than others by competing in a multi-activity programme with a medieval flavour.

How it works

Medieval Mortar
Want your day to go with a bang? Then try working together as a gun crew to flatten the castle using a real black powder bombard!

Medieval Popinjay - medieval archery
“Popinjay” is the one for all you budding Robin Hoods. In an interesting alternative, to “normal” archery, this will be an opportunity to fire traditional “barebows” firing at popinjays (in effect, a “parrot” on a stick.

Axe Throwing
The Vikings knew how to live! A mix of banqueting entertainment & training for war meant that they’ve passed on a great team activity as you try to beat the Master!

Skill-At-Arms - sword-fighting
Don’t worry! No blows are actually exchanged. Guests will be taught a variety of cuts & parries using replica Medieval swords, then will attempt to beat the Master Swordsman, attacking a “pell” (wooden ‘statue’).

A two-for-one as firstly you are given the task of sorting out your kestrels from your gerfalcons and you test your nerves calling hawks & owls to tether…

Grand Finale: Siege Engines
Each team has to design and build a working model of a trebuchet with the props and equipment that you are given. Your task is to hit a castle wall.

If you like the sound of this event, check out Alternative Olympics  or County Pursuits, they offer a load of fun too...

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Are you ready for A Hard Day’s Knight?

If you are considering this activity for your company, and think that it could fulfil your requirements, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

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