Exceptional Live Events from The Event Management Specialists
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Your team will love our Christmas team building events and activities as they celebrate the Festive Season.
Welcome to Virtual Murder Mystery – a virtual team building activity like no other. Hosted virtually, of course, it features a live actor and is delivered entirely remotely to your teams. Coming live from the Bright Vision Events’ studio, you will be fully briefed and have event support throughout the live event.
Taking one of our popular scripts and repurposing it for the virtual world, teams listen out for clues, question suspects and present their case.
A series of short pre-recorded video scenes are played throughout the event providing the background to the story along with interviews of various suspects.
In addition, guests are encouraged to get involved and read elements of the script themselves playing along with the live actor hosting the event! The more you can ‘get into character’, the better!
So with a combination of professionally pre-recorded video and also live ‘acting’, guests have everything they need to solve the case! As Sherlock Holmes said:
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
We recommend that virtual Murder Mystery is run in smaller groups to maximise interaction and guest engagement with the ‘live’ actor and other colleagues.
If you like the idea of this event, but would like to run it 'in person mode', then we have the very thing, our Detective Agency event, just one of our many indoor team building events.
If you are considering this activity for your company, and think that it could fulfil your requirements, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
If you’re interested, provide your details in the form.
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