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What’s it Like Working for a Team Building Activities Company?

A day in the life of a Bright Vision Events Team Building Activities Team Member….

Here at Bright Vision Events, we produce and manage over 100 different types of event for our clients every year. As a conference, exhibitions and team building activities company, we work hard to make sure all of our events run smoothly, which means having a great team to ensure that happens. In this article, one of our Team Building Activities team members gives us a flavour of a day in the life of….. .

It all Starts at 9am on a Thursday Morning

“It’s Thursday morning, the sun is shining and Bright Vision Events has a number of corporate events taking place today.

I have been assigned to a team building event at Wicksteed Park in Kettering. Robin, our MD,  has been communicating with the client over the last few weeks to confirm details of how the event will run on the day. Robin has also confirmed details with the event co-ordinator at Wicksteed, confirming set-up area, times etc.

Today’s event is our ‘Labyrinth Challenge’, our most popular and versatile challenge. It’s a series of physical and intellectual challenges and activities, aimed at team building with an emphasis on fun and problem solving rather than physical exertion. It does require a high degree of co-operation between team members.

The start time at Wicksteed is 1pm, so the rest of the team meet at our warehouse at 9am to load the van. Once loaded with all the fun activities, and everything has been double checked, we start our journey to Wicksteed Park.”

Team Building Activities Company

Now it’s Time to Set Everything Up

“On arrival, we are greeted by the car park attendant, the park looks busy with children visiting the play area.

We park up by the field area and start unloading the van and set up the ‘Great Escape, Snake Pit, Nuclear reactor, Blindfold, Relocation, and the Great Egg Launch’ – all of which form part of The Labyrinth’s team building activities.

Marking out the areas of each activity, myself, Chrissy and Paul set it all up, ready for a 1pm start.

By 12.25, we are ready to go! We go and meet the client in the Pavilion, where they are finishing their meeting and having a light lunch and refreshments.

We gather the group, Paul introduces Bright Vision Events and explains what we have in store for them this afternoon.

After a short brief, we allocate their teams and hand them their coloured bibs, they are all looking a little nervous at the activities!”

And We’re Off……It’s Where a Team Building Activities Company Earns its Keep!

“I take the pink and blue team to the ‘River crossing and Snake Pit’. They have 30 mins to complete the task of using stepping stones on bungee elastic to cross the river…… without losing any of the team in the dangerous and fast flowing river! On the other side of the river is a secret chest which contains information to obtain the serum to help the team member bitten by a deadly black mamba snake.

I read out a short brief with instructions on how to complete the challenge, everyone is ready to get stuck in and the time starts ticking…

The fun begins and discussions start. How are they going to get across the river? Screaming, shouting, and a lot of laughs are coming from both teams as they compete against each other to cross the river first.

Once they have crossed, they move on over to the snake pit where they are to obtain the serum, but it’s not as easy as it looks. The teams only have certain objects to use and time is running out.

The pink team manage to obtain the serum, the blue team are not doing so well. Lots of laughter, jokes and fun had by both teams. Highly competitive too!

The blue and pink team then move on the next activity and start all over again with 2 new teams.”

Team Building Activities Company

Time for the Grand Finale

“Once all the teams have completed all the challenges, we move on to the grand finale – the Great Egg Launch. Using only the tools & kit provided, the teams must build a structure that will allow the egg to be launched by cutting only one string or elastic band with the scissors. With 30 minutes to design and build the structure, the teams frantically start the challenge.

One by one the teams launch their eggs – some go far, some not so far and one just went splat on the floor without any flight!

Scores are totted up from the previous challenges. Paul, Chrissy and I collate the scores and we have a clear winner.

Paul debriefs the group, they are all excited about hearing who the winning team is. And the winning team is …………………………………………………………………………………the PINK team! The pink team are feeling rather happy about their victory over the other teams.

It’s been a great afternoon in the sunshine at Wicksteed Park, everyone had fun and the group head back to their coach to take them back to Cambridgeshire.

We pack up the van and head back to the office. Another fun day done at Bright Vision Events.”

So, Now You Know a Bit More About What Our Team Members Get up to on the Day of a Team Building Event

We design all of our team building activities to be fun. The key take out, of course, is how to work better as a team. This is the serious side of any team building event. So, as a team building activities company, we take just as much time and trouble to make certain that our activities deliver what our clients want at this level too.

If you decide to challenge us to develop and manage a team building activity for your corporate event, at least you’ll know in advance what our team members put in to make sure it’s a great success.


Contact or call us on 01295 770933 for an initial chat.

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