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What’s New at Bright Vision Events?

5 new activities for corporate team building and evening entertainment

As the calendar turns another page, we at Bright Vision Events are thrilled to announce a plethora of new and exhilarating activities for 2024! Dedicated to curating unforgettable experiences and pushing the boundaries of event innovation, we have been hard at work crafting an array of activities and services to ensure that your next event is nothing short of extraordinary. Take a look what is in store.

Master of Tasks – great for evening entertainment

A perfect blend of gameshow quiz rounds and live head-to-head challenges against other teams, our Master of Tasks event is the perfect corporate evening entertainment.

Beat the Kube – perfect as a team-building activity

A thrilling team-building event inspired by “The Cube.” In this unforgettable experience, you and your colleagues or friends will be split into teams and embark on a journey filled with suspense, strategy, and, of course, lots of fun. Each team will nominate a single member to step into “Beat the Kube” and face a series of thrilling challenges, just like the contestants on the show.

Back to the 80/90s Ultimate Game Show – great fun for evening entertainment

Come on Down and ‘Say what you see as our Survey says’ – it’s time to play Back to the 80s and 90s.

We turn this television-style format into your very own stunning evening event, with a selection of classic TV participation games designed to give you a night to remember for all the right reasons.

Who’s The Traitor – something really new and different for team-building

Your group will be split into teams and assigned challenges to complete but watch out, not everything is as it seems! There will be traitors in your midst whose role is to sabotage your team and achieve hidden tasks.

Rogue Agent – Another great new team-building activity

This event is a superb indoor team building event suitable for all and has teams working from their conference table and interacting with the MI6 headquarters situated within your conference room. It’s quickly set up, requires no turnaround of your conference room and is easily packed away. Perfect for all group sizes this really is the perfect indoor team building event for flexibility.

With our expanded range of offerings, we look forward to creating unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impression. We are excited for our journey of creativity and collaboration!

Looking for an exceptional corporate event?

In the meantime, if you are looking for an events specialist to deliver an exceptional event for your company, take a look at some of our testimonials, or if you already know what you are interested in, please click the button below to make an enquiry.