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Trail Blazers

Trail Blazers is a competitive, fun-filled and fast-paced indoor team building activity based around an interactive board game. It’s all about teamwork and organisation, but with the added pressure of a strict time limit, so quick thinking is vital.

How it works

Trail Blazers is based on a classic board game in which teams are tasked with completing 6 trails so that they can unlock bonus levels, move on the next trail and become …..Trail Blazers.

An iPad is used by each team to scan challenge cards which reveal the interactive tasks they must complete and the treasure they must collect to move to the next challenge, until the final one is reached.

Teams can trade with other teams along the way to help their journey, and if they get stuck, they can buy hints to help with the answers they need using points collected. But beware, points can be lost for wrong answers.

Our on-site host will make sure everything goes smoothly and that the pace never drops, whilst the app-based live leaderboard means teams always know where they are and what they need to do to catch up - or hang on!!

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Are you ready for Trail Blazers?

If you are considering this activity for your company, and think that it could fulfil your requirements, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

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