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Your team will love our Christmas team building events and activities as they celebrate the Festive Season.
Experience the evolution of quizzing with our super fun and fast modern style of quiz that will certainly get the grey matter working and give your guests an event to remember.
By drastically reducing the amount of time given to answer each question, there is no longer the problem of cheating or googling between rounds! Paper and pens are replaced by phones and tablets as the questions come thick and fast, keeping teams engaged making them think quicker than with any standard quiz or trivia event.
Our iQuiz takes what people love about traditional pen and paper quizzes and adds a whole new interactive dimension, increasing the level of energy and interaction between players and teams. Our App allows for instant results, leader boards and even fastest reaction times!
With questions from General Knowledge to Music and Observational to Buzz-In rounds, we can provide something for everyone, but don't let all this talk of fun fool you into thinking this activity cannot be used for serious quiz competitions too. We can even tailor each quiz to your own event by including a round all about your company or even the content of your conference. Let’s really see what your delegates have truly taken on board.
Want to run a quiz, but need to include remote staff as well? Then you just have to see our virtual quiz event Quizmania or then again, if you fancy a real challenge there is our virtual version of the Labyrinth....
If you are considering this activity for your company, and think that it could fulfil your requirements, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
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