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Your team will love our Christmas team building events and activities as they celebrate the Festive Season.
Calendar Creation uses digital or original Victorian camera equipment. Teams will be tasked with taking & developing a series of original photographic compositions of themselves in 12 different poses - one for each month of the year - as the basis for a calendar. Perfect at any time but just right for a Christmas event, as wonderful memories can be created for the new year.
This creative indoor team building activity requires planning as well as creativity, and the end result of producing something with lasting value generates positive health and wellbeing feelings.
Participants will need to learn the original techniques of earliest photography if using the Victorian camera equipment.
It is an unusual and fascinating challenge. The theme of the overall compositions is up to you, but recent “favourites” have included “Heroes From History” and “In The Flesh”.
Quality and humour are essential, as once all 12 photos are complete, we then develop them into wall or desktop calendars. These are sent on to the attendees with a view to providing them with both a memento of the day (which could be sold on for charity?) and a long lasting testament to what can be achieved with close co-operation and teamwork.
If you are considering this activity for your company, and think that it could fulfil your requirements, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
If you’re interested, provide your details in the form.
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