Conference Production and Management for the Employment Lawyers Association Annual Lecture
Conference production and management is one of the main strands of our business here at Bright Vision Events. Large or small, conference production is all about planning and attention to detail, to ensure that everything is perfect on the day. This testimonial is from the Employment Lawyers’ Association for our production and management of their annual lecture. It was a large conference for c.450 delegates, and it was also streamed live so that as many of their 6,000 members who couldn’t be at the venue could watch it.
Details of this Conference – Famous Venue and Live Streaming
The Employment Lawyers’ Association was founded in 1992 to represent the views and interests of over 6,000 specialist, qualified employment lawyers across the UK. They are the voice of authority in employment law and we were contracted as the conference production and management company for their annual conference.
The location was the famous Great Hall in London’s Grand Connaught Rooms, with the event taking place on Tuesday 13th November, 2018. 450 guests attended the conference, which had a real twist as the event was also streamed live to over 30 sites across the UK. ELA members who couldn’t attend simply had to sign in online to access a dedicated website to watch and listen, live.
Everything ran smoothly, and a delighted client said:
“Thank you again for all your help last night and last week. You always do such a great job.”

The Audio-Visual Solution is at the Heart of All Conferences
We provided full conference production and management for the ELA, including sound, lighting, the set and stage, projection, power, cameras and video mixing.
To give some idea of the level of detail that we put into conference production, here is just some of the audio-visual equipment we supplied, installed and ensured worked perfectly:
- A 10 speaker PA system controlled by a 32-channel digital sound desk, with sub speakers and monitor, speakers for top table foldback,
- 4 x radio microphones,
- 2 x lectern microphones and 6 top table microphones.
The audio was also supplied to a vision mixer for live streaming the content to the website. A single back projection screen using a 12,000 lumens projector was deployed, outputting in high definition via laptops and Macbooks for all slides and video content.
The lighting set-up included:
- A digital lighting desk controlling 12 stage and lectern lighting fixtures covering wash and spot lighting.
- Up-lighting was provided by a combination of LED battens to set and wireless LED up-lighters around the room.
For the live streaming:
A 3-camera set-up was included to cover the live video footage for streaming, 2 of which were operated by a camera person and the 3rd was locked-off in a fixed position.
The 3 cameras fed into a portable production unit, which controlled all inputs and vision mixed the output to the web for those watching on the live stream via a dedicated website.
All of this was powered using our 63-amp 3 phase power distribution. The crew consisted of a production manager, a sound engineer, a lighting technician, a video technician and 2 camera operators, plus set and stage builders and a local crew to assist with the conference set up and the post event breakdown.