Exceptional Live Events from The Event Management Specialists
Helping you find the right venue.
Working partnerships with ‘00s of venues. Free venue finding service.
Your team will love our Christmas team building events and activities as they celebrate the Festive Season.
People all over the country have been inspired to reach for the oven gloves, roll up their sleeves and use their loaf following the TV programme the Great British Bake Off.
We have all the equipment and expertise to inspire budding bakers to have a go anywhere in the UK.
This activity works well all year round, and also goes down really well at Christmas, and what better than a bit of baking for adding some feelgood Health and Wellbeing?
You and your team will work with a professional pastry chef to make a variety of traditional and contemporary afternoon tea and bakery items. We will bring along cookery books and even some recipes used at some exclusive hotels such as the Chewton Glen and the Dorchester London.
After a short introduction and demonstration, the chef will give the teams a challenge to make a variety of bakery and pastry items, teams then go head to head to make, bake, and ice, a variety of bakery items while the clock is ticking. Penalties will be given for undercooked cake or split custards.
Our chef will judge each category such as technical, star bake, showstopper and fermented awarding points for creativity, skill and taste.
If you are considering this activity for your company, and think that it could fulfil your requirements, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
If you’re interested, provide your details in the form.
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