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Your team will love our Christmas team building events and activities as they celebrate the Festive Season.
Bright Vision’s outdoor team building activity, Highland Games, takes elements of some of our other sporting challenges, adds new ones, with the whole event themed to give it a distinctly Scottish flavour.
Guests are split into “clans” (The McArdos, MacRamès, McSpreaders, Clan Dudnos, etc.) each of which will have their own tartan for their “chief” to wear, as well as creating a banner to plant on the field of “combat”. Each clan will be “piped” onto the field, their chief aiming to lead his team to glorious victory.
The games include various challenges that have a Scottish flavour and involve all in a clan gathering the equal of the famous Cortachy Highland Games in Scotland.
If you like this event, your going to love our tribute to the famous Its a Knockout, or then again, maybe you would like to take to the high seas (not really) with our Raft Making adventure?
If you are considering this activity for your company, and think that it could fulfil your requirements, get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
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